Week 7
Online/in-Person Graduate course, University of California, Riverside, Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2019
«Go to Week 6
The Foundation of Applied Machine Learning
Spring 2019
Instructor: Prof. Bahram Mobasher
Teaching Assistance: Abtin Shahidi email abtin.shahidi–at–email.ucr.edu
Course webpage: https://abtinshahidi.github.io/teaching/2019-spring-foundation-machine-learning
Week 7
Machine Learning: Decision Trees, Random Forests, Support Vector Machines
Let’s continue on our discussion about decision trees:
import numpy as np
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# font parameters dictionary
font = {'family' : 'serif',
'weight' : 'bold',
'size' : 18,}
# figure parameters dictionary
figure = {"figsize" : (6,6),
"dpi" : 120,
"facecolor" : "w",
"edgecolor" : "k",}
# use LaTeX fonts in the plot
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
# ticks settings
# axes setting
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=22, labelsize=18) # fontsize of the axes title, labels
# Set the font parameters
plt.rc('font', **font)
# Set the figure parameters
plt.rc("figure", **figure)
In the last week notebook we defined a measure for how good our splits are, this measured was Gini impurity. Here let’s use another measure for doing this task and that is called the Entropy. (We saw that using skit-learn
Decision tree classifier in the last plot of last week’s notebook)
Entropy is a measure of information gain, in other words is a measure for the uncertainty of a random variable. When you get information you decrease the entropy. But let’s define it and see how it works on different examples.
The entropy of a random variable $X$ with the values of ${x_i}$ and their corresponding probabilities of ${P(x_i)}$ is defined as follow:
\[\begin{equation*} H(X) = \sum_{i} P(x_i) \log_2(\frac{1}{P(x_i)}) = -\sum_{i} P(x_i) \log_2 P(x_i) \end{equation*}\]Imagine a fair coin, the outcome of the coin is our random variable $X$, this is how much entropy our random variable has:
\[\begin{equation*} H(X) = -\sum_{i} P(x_i) \log_2 P(x_i) = - (0.5 \log_2 0.5 + 0.5 \log_2 0.5) = 1 \end{equation*}\]Which means our fair coin has $1$ bit of entropy.
More generally for a Boolean random variable with probability of $q$ to be true, we have:
\[\begin{equation*} H(X) = B(q) = - (q \log_2 q + (1-q) \log_2 (1-q)) \end{equation*}\]If we have $p$ and $n$, positive and negative examples respectively, we can find the entropy to be:
\[\begin{equation*} H(X) = B(\frac{p}{n+p}) = B(\frac{n}{n+p}) \end{equation*}\]Now that we know haw to measure the entropy, let’s find out how much information we are going to get after using a particular attribute to classify our data. Let’s imagine an attribute $A$ with $k$ distinct values, which means the training set $S$ will be divided to subsets of $S_1$, …, $S_k$. Now imagine each subset $S_i$ which contains $n_i$ negative and $p_i$ positive examples, and if do this split (creating a branch), we will still have $B(\frac{n_i}{n_i+p_i})$ bits of entropy. So if we want to answer the question we need to decrease the entropy further. We need to add the entropy for the individual subsets, by considering their weight which is the probability of choosing a random example with $i$ value of attribute $A$ from our set of examples, which gives us the following:
\[\begin{equation*} R(A) = \sum_{i=1}^k \frac{p_i+n_i}{p+n} B(\frac{p_i}{p_i+n_i}) \end{equation*}\]Therefore the resulting information gain based on splitting using attribute $A$ is defined as the reduction in the entropy:
\[\begin{equation*} Gain(A) = B(\frac{p}{n+p}) - R(A) \end{equation*}\]Now let’s code all these definitions.
def Entropy(prob_X):
This is the entropy function that computes
entropy of a given random variables X
and with their corresponding probabilities
p_i based on the definition in:
Shanon and Weaver, 1949
-> Links to paper :
--> http://math.harvard.edu/~ctm/home/text/others/shannon/entropy/entropy.pdf
--> https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6773024
Entropy = Σ_i p_i * log2 (p_i)
prob_X (a list/array of variables):
it should contains all the probabilities of
the underlying random variable, each element
expected to be a (0 <= float) and should
add up to 1. (Else will be normalized)
Entropy (float): Entropy bits
import math
_sum_ = 0
_tot_ = 0
# checks
for prob in prob_X:
assert prob >= 0, "Negative probability is not accepted!!!"
_tot_ += prob
# if _tot_!=1:
# print("Inputs are not normalized added up to {}, will be normalized!!".format(_tot_))
for prob in prob_X:
if _tot_==0:
prob = prob/_tot_
if prob == 0:
_sum_ += prob * math.log2(prob)
return abs(_sum_)
def Boolean_Entropy(q):
Finds the entropy for a Boolean random variable.
q (float) : is expected to be between 0 and 1 (else AssertionError)
Entropy (float) : Entropy of a throwing a coin with chances
of P(H, T) = (q, 1 - q) in bits
assert q >= 0 and q <= 1, "q = {} is not between [0,1]!".format(q)
return Entropy([q, 1-q])
def Boolean_Entropy_counts(p, n):
Finds the entropy for a Boolean random variable.
p (int or float) : Number or relative fraction of positive instances
n (int or float) : Number or relative fraction of negative instances
Entropy (float) : Entropy of a throwing a coin with chances
of P(H, T) = (q, 1 - q) in bits
with q = p / (n + p)
if n==0 and p==0:
return 0
q = p / (n + p)
return Boolean_Entropy(q)
q_span = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)
p_span = [Boolean_Entropy(q) for q in q_span]
plt.plot(q_span, p_span,)
plt.title(r"Boolean Entropy")
plt.xlabel(r"Probability: q")
plt.ylabel(r"Entropy: $B(q)$")
def Remainder_Entropy(Attr, outcome):
set_of_distinct_values = set(Attr)
count_distict_values = len(set_of_distinct_values)
count_distict_outcomes = len(set(outcome))
assert count_distict_outcomes <= 2, "{} different outcomes but expected Boolean"
count_total_positives = len([i for i in outcome if i!=0])
count_total_negatives = len(outcome) - count_total_positives
import numpy as np
Attr_np = np.array(Attr)
outcome_np = np.array(outcome)
_sum_ = 0
for value in set_of_distinct_values:
_outcome_ = outcome_np[Attr_np==value]
count_positives = len([i for i in _outcome_ if i!=0])
count_negatives = len(_outcome_) - count_positives
_entropy_ = Boolean_Entropy_counts(count_positives, count_negatives)
_weights_ = (count_positives + count_negatives)
_weights_ = _weights_ / (count_total_positives + count_total_negatives)
_sum_ += _weights_ * _entropy_
return _sum_
def Information_Gain(Attr, outcome):
count_total_positives = len([i for i in outcome if i!=0])
count_total_negatives = len(outcome) - count_total_positives
initial_entropy = Boolean_Entropy_counts(count_total_positives, count_total_negatives)
remaining_entropy = Remainder_Entropy(Attr, outcome)
info_gain = initial_entropy - remaining_entropy
return info_gain
attr_1 = [2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5]
out__1 = [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]
print("The Remainder entropy is = ", Remainder_Entropy(attr_1, out__1), "bits")
print("The Information Gain is = ", Information_Gain(attr_1, out__1), "bits")
The Remainder entropy is = 0.39355535745192405 bits
The Information Gain is = 0.5916727785823275 bits
attr_2 = [2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5]
out__2 = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]
print("The Remainder entropy is = ", Remainder_Entropy(attr_2, out__2), "bits")
print("The Information Gain is = ", Information_Gain(attr_2, out__2), "bits")
The Remainder entropy is = 0.0 bits
The Information Gain is = 0.863120568566631 bits
attr_2 = ["dog", "cat", "dog", "rabbit", "rabbit", "cat", "dog"]
out__2 = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]
print("The Remainder entropy is = ", Remainder_Entropy(attr_2, out__2), "bits")
print("The Information Gain is = ", Information_Gain(attr_2, out__2), "bits")
The Remainder entropy is = 0.6792696431662097 bits
The Information Gain is = 0.18385092540042125 bits
import copy
import math
import random
from statistics import mean, stdev
from collections import defaultdict
def euclidean_distance(X, Y):
return math.sqrt(sum((x - y)**2 for x, y in zip(X, Y)))
def cross_entropy_loss(X, Y):
return (-1.0/n)*sum(x*math.log(y) + (1-x)*math.log(1-y) for x, y in zip(X, Y))
def rms_error(X, Y):
return math.sqrt(ms_error(X, Y))
def ms_error(X, Y):
return mean((x - y)**2 for x, y in zip(X, Y))
def mean_error(X, Y):
return mean(abs(x - y) for x, y in zip(X, Y))
def manhattan_distance(X, Y):
return sum(abs(x - y) for x, y in zip(X, Y))
def mean_boolean_error(X, Y):
return mean(int(x != y) for x, y in zip(X, Y))
def hamming_distance(X, Y):
return sum(x != y for x, y in zip(X, Y))
def _read_data_set(data_file, skiprows=0, separator=None):
with open(data_file, "r") as f:
file = f.read()
lines = file.splitlines()
lines = lines[skiprows:]
data_ = [[] for _ in range(len(lines))]
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
splitted_line = line.split(separator)
float_line = []
for value in splitted_line:
value = float(value)
except ValueError:
if value=="":
if float_line:
data_[i] = float_line
for line in data_:
if not line:
return data_
def unique(seq):
Remove any duplicate elements from any sequence,
works on hashable elements such as int, float,
string, and tuple.
return list(set(seq))
def remove_all(item, seq):
"""Return a copy of seq (or string) with all occurrences of item removed."""
if isinstance(seq, str):
return seq.replace(item, '')
return [x for x in seq if x != item]
def weighted_sample_with_replacement(n, seq, weights):
"""Pick n samples from seq at random, with replacement, with the
probability of each element in proportion to its corresponding
sample = weighted_sampler(seq, weights)
return [sample() for _ in range(n)]
def weighted_sampler(seq, weights):
"""Return a random-sample function that picks from seq weighted by weights."""
import bisect
totals = []
for w in weights:
totals.append(w + totals[-1] if totals else w)
return lambda: seq[bisect.bisect(totals, random.uniform(0, totals[-1]))]
def mode(data):
import collections
"""Return the most common data item. If there are ties, return any one of them."""
[(item, count)] = collections.Counter(data).most_common(1)
return item
# argmin and argmax
identity = lambda x: x
argmin = min
argmax = max
def argmin_random_tie(seq, key=identity):
"""Return a minimum element of seq; break ties at random."""
return argmin(shuffled(seq), key=key)
def argmax_random_tie(seq, key=identity):
"""Return an element with highest fn(seq[i]) score; break ties at random."""
return argmax(shuffled(seq), key=key)
def shuffled(iterable):
"""Randomly shuffle a copy of iterable."""
items = list(iterable)
return items
def check_equal(iterator):
iterator = iter(iterator)
first = next(iterator)
except StopIteration:
return True
return all(first == rest for rest in iterator)
def probability(p):
"""Return true with probability p."""
return p > random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
class Data_Set:
Defining a _general_ data set class for machine learning.
These are the following fields:
>> data = Data_set
list of examples. Each one is a list contains of attribute values.
list of integers to index into an example, so example[attribute]
gives a value.
list of names for corresponding attributes.
The target attribute for the learning algorithm.
(Default = last attribute)
The list of attributes without the target.
It is a list of lists in which each sublist is the
set of possible values for the corresponding attribute.
If initially None, it is computed from the known examples
by self.setproblem. If not None, bad value raises ValueError.
A measure of distance function which takes two examples
and returns a nonnegative number. It should be a symmetric
(Defaults = mean_boolean_error) : can handle any field types.
This should be a tuple that contains:
(file_address, number of rows to skip, separator)
This is for naming the data set.
URL or explanation to the dataset main source
List of attribute indexes to exclude from data.input_attributes.
(indexes or names of the attributes)
Normally, you call the constructor and you're done; then you just
access fields like d.examples and d.target and d.inputs."""
def __init__(self, examples=None, attributes=None, attribute_names=None,
target_attribute = -1, input_attributes=None, values=None,
distance_measure = mean_boolean_error, name='', source='',
excluded_attributes=(), file_info=None):
Accepts any of DataSet's fields. Examples can also be a
string or file from which to parse examples using parse_csv.
Optional parameter: exclude, as documented in .setproblem().
>>> DataSet(examples='1, 2, 3')
<DataSet(): 1 examples, 3 attributes>
self.file_info = file_info
self.name = name
self.source = source
self.values = values
self.distance = distance_measure
self.check_values_flag = bool(values)
# Initialize examples from a list
if examples is not None:
self.examples = examples
elif file_info is None:
raise ValueError("No Examples! and No Address!")
self.examples = _read_data_set(file_info[0], file_info[1], file_info[2])
# Attributes are the index of examples. can be overwrite
if self.examples is not None and attributes is None:
attributes = list(range(len(self.examples[0])))
self.attributes = attributes
# Initialize attribute_names from string, list, or to default
if isinstance(attribute_names, str):
self.attribute_names = attribute_names.split()
self.attribute_names = attribute_names or attributes
# set the definitions needed for the problem
self.set_problem(target_attribute, input_attributes=input_attributes,
def get_attribute_num(self, attribute):
if isinstance(attribute, str):
return self.attribute_names.index(attribute)
return attribute
def set_problem(self, target_attribute, input_attributes=None, excluded_attributes=()):
By doing this we set the target, inputs and excluded attributes.
This way, one DataSet can be used multiple ways. inputs, if specified,
is a list of attributes, or specify exclude as a list of attributes
to not use in inputs. Attributes can be -n .. n, or an attrname.
Also computes the list of possible values, if that wasn't done yet."""
self.target_attribute = self.get_attribute_num(target_attribute)
exclude = [self.get_attribute_num(excluded) for excluded in excluded_attributes]
if input_attributes:
self.input_attributes = remove_all(self.target_attribute, input_attributes)
inputs = []
for a in self.attributes:
if a != self.target_attribute and a not in exclude:
self.input_attributes = inputs
if not self.values:
def sanity_check(self):
"""Sanity check on the fields."""
assert len(self.attribute_names) == len(self.attributes)
assert self.target_attribute in self.attributes
assert self.target_attribute not in self.input_attributes
assert set(self.input_attributes).issubset(set(self.attributes))
if self.check_values_flag:
# only check if values are provided while initializing DataSet
[self.check_example(example) for example in self.examples]
def check_example(self, example):
if self.values:
for attr in self.attributes:
if example[attr] not in self.values:
raise ValueError("Not recognized value of {} for attribute {} in {}"
.format(example[attr], attr, example))
def add_example(self, example):
def update_values(self):
self.values = list(map(unique, zip(*self.examples)))
def remove_examples(self, value=""):
self.examples = [example for example in examples if value not in example]
def sanitize(self, example):
"""Copy of the examples with non input_attributes replaced by None"""
_list_ = []
for i, attr_i in enumerate(example):
if i in self.input_attributes:
return _list_
def train_test_split(self, test_fraction=0.3, Seed = 99):
import numpy as np
examples = self.examples
atrrs = self.attributes
atrrs_name = self.attribute_names
target = self.target_attribute
input_ = self.input_attributes
name = self.name
_test_index = np.random.choice(list(range(len(examples))), int(test_fraction * len(examples)), replace=False)
test_examples = [example for i, example in enumerate(examples) if i in _test_index]
train_examples = [example for example in examples if example not in test_examples]
Test_data_set = Data_Set(examples=test_examples,
name=name + " Test set",)
Train_data_set = Data_Set(examples=train_examples,
name=name + " Train set",)
return Train_data_set, Test_data_set
def __repr__(self):
return '<DataSet({}): with {} examples, and {} attributes>'.format(
self.name, len(self.examples), len(self.attributes))
class Decision_Branch:
A branch of a decision tree holds an attribute to test, and a dict
of branches for each attribute's values.
def __init__(self, attribute, attribute_name=None, default_child=None, branches=None):
"""Initialize by specifying what attribute this node tests."""
self.attribute = attribute
self.attribute_name = attribute_name or attribute
self.default_child = default_child
self.branches = branches or {}
def __call__(self, example):
"""Classify a given example using the attribute and the branches."""
attribute_val = example[self.attribute]
if attribute_val in self.branches:
return self.branches[attribute_val](example)
# return default class when attribute is unknown
return self.default_child(example)
def add(self, value, subtree):
"""Add a branch. If self.attribute = value, move to the given subtree."""
self.branches[value] = subtree
def display_out(self, indent=0):
name = self.attribute_name
print("Test", name)
for value, subtree in self.branches.items():
print(" " * indent * 5, name, '=', value, "--->", end=" ")
subtree.display_out(indent + 1)
# New line
def __repr__(self):
return ('Decision_Branch({}, {}, {})'
.format(self.attribute, self.attribute_name, self.branches))
class Decision_Leaf:
"""A simple leaf class for a decision tree that hold a result."""
def __init__(self, result):
self.result = result
def __call__(self, example):
return self.result
def display_out(self, indent=0):
print('RESULT =', self.result)
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.result)
def Decision_Tree_Learner(dataset):
Learning Algorithm for a Decision Tree
target, values = dataset.target_attribute, dataset.values
def decision_tree_learning(examples, attrs, parent_examples=()):
if not examples:
return plurality(parent_examples)
elif same_class_for_all(examples):
return Decision_Leaf(examples[0][target])
elif not attrs:
return plurality(examples)
A = choose_important_attribute(attrs, examples)
tree = Decision_Branch(A, dataset.attribute_names[A], plurality(examples))
for (vk, exs) in split_by(A, examples):
subtree = decision_tree_learning(
exs, remove_all(A, attrs), examples)
tree.add(vk, subtree)
return tree
def plurality(examples):
"""Return the most occured target value for this set of examples.
(If binary target this is the majority, otherwise plurality)"""
most_occured = argmax_random_tie(values[target],
key=lambda v: count_example_same_attr(target, v, examples))
return Decision_Leaf(most_occured)
def count_example_same_attr(attr, val, examples):
"""Count the number of examples that have example[attr] = val."""
return sum(e[attr] == val for e in examples)
def same_class_for_all(examples):
"""Are all these examples in the same target class?"""
_class_ = examples[0][target]
return all(example[target] == _class_ for example in examples)
def choose_important_attribute(attrs, examples):
"""Choose the attribute with the highest information gain."""
return argmax_random_tie(attrs,
key=lambda a: information_gain(a, examples))
def information_gain(attr, examples):
"""Return the expected reduction in entropy from splitting by attr."""
def _entropy_(examples):
count = []
for val in values[target]:
count.append(count_example_same_attr(target, val, examples))
return Entropy(count)
N = len(examples)
remainder = sum((len(examples_i)/N) * _entropy_(examples_i)
for (v, examples_i) in split_by(attr, examples))
return _entropy_(examples) - remainder
def split_by(attr, examples):
"""Return a list of (val, examples) pairs for each val of attr."""
return [(v, [e for e in examples if e[attr] == v])
for v in values[attr]]
return decision_tree_learning(dataset.examples, dataset.input_attributes)
def Random_Forest(dataset, n=5, verbose=False):
An ensemble of Decision Trees trained using bagging and feature bagging.
bagging: Bootstrap aggregating
def data_bagging(dataset, m=0):
"""Sample m examples with replacement"""
n = len(dataset.examples)
return weighted_sample_with_replacement(m or n, dataset.examples, [1]*n)
def feature_bagging(dataset, p=0.7):
"""Feature bagging with probability p to retain an attribute"""
inputs = [i for i in dataset.input_attributes if probability(p)]
return inputs or dataset.input_attributes
def predict(example):
if verbose:
print([predictor(example) for predictor in predictors])
return mode(predictor(example) for predictor in predictors)
predictors = [Decision_Tree_Learner(Data_Set(examples=data_bagging(dataset),
input_attributes=feature_bagging(dataset))) for _ in range(n)]
return predict
address = "iris.data"
attribute_names = ["sepal-lenght", "sepal-width", "petal-lenght", "petal-width", "class"]
Iris_Data = Data_Set(name = "Iris", target_attribute=4,
file_info=(address, 0, ","), attribute_names=attribute_names)
[[6.3, 2.5, 5.0, 1.9, 'Iris-virginica'],
[6.5, 3.0, 5.2, 2.0, 'Iris-virginica'],
[6.2, 3.4, 5.4, 2.3, 'Iris-virginica'],
[5.9, 3.0, 5.1, 1.8, 'Iris-virginica']]
TREE = Decision_Tree_Learner(Iris_Data)
Test petal-lenght
petal-lenght = 1.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-setosa
petal-lenght = 1.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-setosa
petal-lenght = 1.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-setosa
petal-lenght = 1.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-setosa
petal-lenght = 1.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-setosa
petal-lenght = 1.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-setosa
petal-lenght = 1.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-setosa
petal-lenght = 1.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-setosa
petal-lenght = 1.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-setosa
petal-lenght = 4.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 4.5 ---> Test sepal-lenght
sepal-lenght = 4.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 5.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 5.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 4.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 4.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 5.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 4.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 4.8 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 4.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 5.8 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 7.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 7.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 4.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 5.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 5.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 7.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 7.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 7.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 5.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 5.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 5.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.8 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 7.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 7.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 7.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 4.9 ---> Test petal-width
petal-width = 0.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 0.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 0.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 0.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 0.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 1.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 1.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-width = 1.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 1.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 1.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 1.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 2.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 2.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 2.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 1.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 1.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 0.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 2.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 2.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 1.8 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 1.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 2.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 4.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 5.0 ---> Test sepal-width
sepal-width = 2.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 3.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-width = 3.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 3.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 3.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 3.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 3.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 3.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 3.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 4.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 4.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 4.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 2.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 2.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 2.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 2.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 2.8 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 2.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 2.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 3.8 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 3.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 4.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 2.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 6.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 3.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 3.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 4.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 4.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 4.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 5.1 ---> Test sepal-lenght
sepal-lenght = 4.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 4.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 4.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 4.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 4.8 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 4.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.8 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 7.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 7.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 4.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 7.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 7.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 7.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.8 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 7.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 7.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 7.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 5.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 5.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 5.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 5.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 6.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 6.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 6.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 6.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 3.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 3.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 3.8 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 3.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 4.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 4.8 ---> Test sepal-lenght
sepal-lenght = 4.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 4.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 4.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 4.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 4.8 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 4.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 5.8 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 7.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 7.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 4.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 5.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 5.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.5 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 7.6 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 7.4 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 7.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 5.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 5.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 5.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.8 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 7.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 7.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 7.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 4.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 5.8 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 5.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 5.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 5.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 6.3 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 6.7 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 3.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
f = Random_Forest(Iris_Data, n = 1000)
[5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2, 'Iris-setosa']
Iris_Data_cp = Iris_Data
[[5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2, 'Iris-setosa'],
[4.9, 3.0, 1.4, 0.2, 'Iris-setosa'],
[4.7, 3.2, 1.3, 0.2, 'Iris-setosa']]
def _find_the_class_(e, classes):
number_of_classes = len(classes)
for i in range(number_of_classes):
if e <= classes[i+1] and e>= classes[i]:
e = (classes[i]+classes[i+1])/2
except IndexError:
return e
Iris_Data_cp = Iris_Data
m = 3
indices = [0, 1, 2, 3]
for e in Iris_Data_cp.examples:
for index in indices:
min_v = min(Iris_Data_cp.values[index])
max_v = max(Iris_Data_cp.values[index])
splits = [(min_v + (max_v - min_v) * i / m) for i in range(m+1)]
e[index] = _find_the_class_(e[index], splits)
[[4.9, 6.1, 7.300000000000001],
[2.4000000000000004, 3.2, 4.0],
[1.9833333333333334, 3.95, 5.916666666666668],
[0.49999999999999994, 1.2999999999999998, 2.1],
['Iris-setosa', 'Iris-virginica', 'Iris-versicolor']]
_new_tree_ = Decision_Tree_Learner(Iris_Data_cp)
Test petal-width
petal-width = 0.49999999999999994 ---> RESULT = Iris-setosa
petal-width = 1.2999999999999998 ---> Test petal-lenght
petal-lenght = 1.9833333333333334 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 3.95 ---> Test sepal-lenght
sepal-lenght = 4.9 ---> Test sepal-width
sepal-width = 2.4000000000000004 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-width = 3.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-width = 4.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 6.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-lenght = 7.300000000000001 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
petal-lenght = 5.916666666666668 ---> Test sepal-lenght
sepal-lenght = 4.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.1 ---> Test sepal-width
sepal-width = 2.4000000000000004 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 3.2 ---> RESULT = Iris-versicolor
sepal-width = 4.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 7.300000000000001 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-width = 2.1 ---> Test petal-lenght
petal-lenght = 1.9833333333333334 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 3.95 ---> Test sepal-width
sepal-width = 2.4000000000000004 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 3.2 ---> Test sepal-lenght
sepal-lenght = 4.9 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 6.1 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-lenght = 7.300000000000001 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
sepal-width = 4.0 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
petal-lenght = 5.916666666666668 ---> RESULT = Iris-virginica
f = Random_Forest(Iris_Data_cp, n=50)
[4.9, 3.2, 1.9833333333333334, 0.49999999999999994, 'Iris-setosa']
As you can see our Random Forest algorithm seems to work fine. Now let’s apply it on another data set. This is a Breast Cancer Data set:
Attribute Information for the data-set:
- Class: no-recurrence-events, recurrence-events
- age: 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90-99.
- menopause: lt40, ge40, premeno.
- tumor-size: 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59.
- inv-nodes: 0-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-17, 18-20, 21-23, 24-26, 27-29, 30-32, 33-35, 36-39.
- node-caps: yes, no.
- deg-malig: 1, 2, 3.
- breast: left, right.
- breast-quad: left-up, left-low, right-up, right-low, central.
- irradiat:yes, no.
breast_cancer_data = "/home/abtin/Documents/courses/machine_learning/spring_2019/Foundation_applied_machine_learning/notebooks/week7/breast-cancer.data"
attr_names = ["Class", "Age", "Menopause", "tumor-size", "inv-nodes", "node-caps", "deg-malig", "breast", "breast-quad", "irradiat"]
BC_dataset = Data_Set(name = "Breast Cancer dataset",
file_info=(breast_cancer_data, None, ","))
tree_BC = Decision_Tree_Learner(BC_dataset)
Test inv-nodes
inv-nodes = 0-2 ---> Test tumor-size
tumor-size = 30-34 ---> Test deg-malig
deg-malig = 1.0 ---> Test Class
Class = recurrence-events ---> Test Age
Age = 20-29 ---> RESULT = yes
Age = 70-79 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 50-59 ---> RESULT = yes
Age = 40-49 ---> RESULT = yes
Age = 60-69 ---> RESULT = yes
Age = 30-39 ---> RESULT = no
Class = no-recurrence-events ---> RESULT = no
deg-malig = 2.0 ---> Test breast-quad
breast-quad = central ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_up ---> Test Age
Age = 20-29 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 70-79 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 50-59 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 40-49 ---> RESULT = yes
Age = 60-69 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 30-39 ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = ? ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_low ---> Test Menopause
Menopause = ge40 ---> Test Class
Class = recurrence-events ---> RESULT = yes
Class = no-recurrence-events ---> Test breast
breast = left ---> Test Age
Age = 20-29 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 70-79 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 50-59 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 40-49 ---> RESULT = yes
Age = 60-69 ---> Test node-caps
node-caps = no ---> RESULT = yes
node-caps = yes ---> RESULT = no
node-caps = ? ---> RESULT = yes
Age = 30-39 ---> RESULT = yes
breast = right ---> RESULT = no
Menopause = premeno ---> RESULT = no
Menopause = lt40 ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = right_up ---> RESULT = yes
deg-malig = 3.0 ---> Test breast-quad
breast-quad = central ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_up ---> Test Class
Class = recurrence-events ---> RESULT = yes
Class = no-recurrence-events ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = ? ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_up ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 35-39 ---> Test node-caps
node-caps = no ---> RESULT = no
node-caps = yes ---> RESULT = yes
node-caps = ? ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 50-54 ---> Test breast
breast = left ---> RESULT = no
breast = right ---> Test deg-malig
deg-malig = 1.0 ---> RESULT = no
deg-malig = 2.0 ---> RESULT = yes
deg-malig = 3.0 ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 25-29 ---> Test Age
Age = 20-29 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 70-79 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 50-59 ---> Test deg-malig
deg-malig = 1.0 ---> RESULT = no
deg-malig = 2.0 ---> RESULT = no
deg-malig = 3.0 ---> Test breast
breast = left ---> RESULT = no
breast = right ---> RESULT = yes
Age = 40-49 ---> Test node-caps
node-caps = no ---> Test breast-quad
breast-quad = central ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_up ---> Test Class
Class = recurrence-events ---> RESULT = no
Class = no-recurrence-events ---> Test deg-malig
deg-malig = 1.0 ---> RESULT = yes
deg-malig = 2.0 ---> Test breast
breast = left ---> Test Menopause
Menopause = ge40 ---> RESULT = yes
Menopause = premeno ---> RESULT = no
Menopause = lt40 ---> RESULT = no
breast = right ---> RESULT = no
deg-malig = 3.0 ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = ? ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_low ---> Test deg-malig
deg-malig = 1.0 ---> RESULT = yes
deg-malig = 2.0 ---> Test breast
breast = left ---> Test Menopause
Menopause = ge40 ---> RESULT = no
Menopause = premeno ---> RESULT = yes
Menopause = lt40 ---> RESULT = yes
breast = right ---> RESULT = no
deg-malig = 3.0 ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_up ---> RESULT = no
node-caps = yes ---> RESULT = no
node-caps = ? ---> RESULT = yes
Age = 60-69 ---> Test breast-quad
breast-quad = central ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_low ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = left_up ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = ? ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_up ---> RESULT = no
Age = 30-39 ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 15-19 ---> Test breast-quad
breast-quad = central ---> Test node-caps
node-caps = no ---> RESULT = no
node-caps = yes ---> RESULT = yes
node-caps = ? ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_up ---> Test Menopause
Menopause = ge40 ---> Test deg-malig
deg-malig = 1.0 ---> RESULT = no
deg-malig = 2.0 ---> Test breast
breast = left ---> RESULT = yes
breast = right ---> RESULT = no
deg-malig = 3.0 ---> RESULT = yes
Menopause = premeno ---> RESULT = no
Menopause = lt40 ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = ? ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_up ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 20-24 ---> Test deg-malig
deg-malig = 1.0 ---> RESULT = no
deg-malig = 2.0 ---> RESULT = no
deg-malig = 3.0 ---> Test Menopause
Menopause = ge40 ---> RESULT = no
Menopause = premeno ---> Test breast-quad
breast-quad = central ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_low ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = left_up ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = ? ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = left_low ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = right_up ---> RESULT = yes
Menopause = lt40 ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 5-9 ---> Test breast-quad
breast-quad = central ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_up ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = ? ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_low ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = right_up ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 40-44 ---> Test Age
Age = 20-29 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 70-79 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 50-59 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 40-49 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 60-69 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 30-39 ---> Test breast-quad
breast-quad = central ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_up ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = ? ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_low ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = right_up ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 45-49 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 10-14 ---> Test deg-malig
deg-malig = 1.0 ---> RESULT = no
deg-malig = 2.0 ---> Test Age
Age = 20-29 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 70-79 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 50-59 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 40-49 ---> Test breast
breast = left ---> Test breast-quad
breast-quad = central ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_up ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = ? ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_low ---> Test Menopause
Menopause = ge40 ---> RESULT = no
Menopause = premeno ---> Test node-caps
node-caps = no ---> Test Class
Class = recurrence-events ---> RESULT = yes
Class = no-recurrence-events ---> RESULT = no
node-caps = yes ---> RESULT = yes
node-caps = ? ---> RESULT = no
Menopause = lt40 ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = right_up ---> RESULT = no
breast = right ---> RESULT = no
Age = 60-69 ---> Test breast
breast = left ---> RESULT = no
breast = right ---> RESULT = yes
Age = 30-39 ---> RESULT = no
deg-malig = 3.0 ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 0-4 ---> RESULT = no
inv-nodes = 3-5 ---> Test tumor-size
tumor-size = 30-34 ---> Test Age
Age = 20-29 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 70-79 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 50-59 ---> Test Menopause
Menopause = ge40 ---> RESULT = no
Menopause = premeno ---> RESULT = yes
Menopause = lt40 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 40-49 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 60-69 ---> Test breast-quad
breast-quad = central ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = right_low ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = left_up ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = ? ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = left_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_up ---> RESULT = no
Age = 30-39 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 35-39 ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 50-54 ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 25-29 ---> Test breast-quad
breast-quad = central ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = right_low ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = left_up ---> Test node-caps
node-caps = no ---> RESULT = yes
node-caps = yes ---> RESULT = no
node-caps = ? ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = ? ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = left_low ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = right_up ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 15-19 ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 20-24 ---> Test Age
Age = 20-29 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 70-79 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 50-59 ---> RESULT = no
Age = 40-49 ---> Test Class
Class = recurrence-events ---> RESULT = yes
Class = no-recurrence-events ---> RESULT = no
Age = 60-69 ---> RESULT = yes
Age = 30-39 ---> Test breast-quad
breast-quad = central ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_up ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = ? ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_up ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 5-9 ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 40-44 ---> Test breast-quad
breast-quad = central ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = right_low ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = left_up ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = ? ---> RESULT = yes
breast-quad = left_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_up ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 45-49 ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 10-14 ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 0-4 ---> RESULT = no
inv-nodes = 12-14 ---> RESULT = yes
inv-nodes = 9-11 ---> Test tumor-size
tumor-size = 30-34 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 35-39 ---> Test breast
breast = left ---> RESULT = no
breast = right ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 50-54 ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 25-29 ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 15-19 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 20-24 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 5-9 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 40-44 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 45-49 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 10-14 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 0-4 ---> RESULT = yes
inv-nodes = 6-8 ---> Test tumor-size
tumor-size = 30-34 ---> Test breast-quad
breast-quad = central ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_low ---> Test deg-malig
deg-malig = 1.0 ---> RESULT = no
deg-malig = 2.0 ---> RESULT = yes
deg-malig = 3.0 ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_up ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = ? ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = left_low ---> RESULT = no
breast-quad = right_up ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 35-39 ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 50-54 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 25-29 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 15-19 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 20-24 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 5-9 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 40-44 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 45-49 ---> RESULT = no
tumor-size = 10-14 ---> RESULT = yes
tumor-size = 0-4 ---> RESULT = yes
inv-nodes = 15-17 ---> Test deg-malig
deg-malig = 1.0 ---> RESULT = no
deg-malig = 2.0 ---> RESULT = yes
deg-malig = 3.0 ---> RESULT = no
inv-nodes = 24-26 ---> RESULT = yes
BC_Train, BC_test = BC_dataset.train_test_split(test_fraction=0.2, Seed=90)
RF_BC = Random_Forest(BC_Train, n = 100)
def Measure_accuracy(true_values, predictions):
_sum_ = 0
for truth, prediction in zip(true_values, predictions):
if truth==prediction:
return _sum_/len(predictions)
rf_pridictions = [RF_BC(a[:-1]) for a in BC_test.examples]
true_Test_values = [example[BC_test.target_attribute] for example in BC_test.examples]
Measure_accuracy(true_Test_values, rf_pridictions)
def plot_the_accuracy(train_set, test_set, list_of_tree_num = np.arange(10, 100, 10)):
accuracy =[]
for n in list_of_tree_num:
RF_BC = Random_Forest(train_set, n=n)
_predictions = [RF_BC(a[:-1]) for a in test_set.examples]
_true_values = [example[test_set.target_attribute] for example in test_set.examples]
accuracy.append(Measure_accuracy(_true_values, _predictions))
fig = plt.plot(list_of_tree_num, accuracy)
return fig, accuracy
Can take a long time!
acc, fig = plot_the_accuracy(BC_Train, BC_test, list(range(5, 60)))
plt.title(r"Accuracy for Random Forests predctions", fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel(r"Number of trees", fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel(r"Accuracy", fontsize=12)
Text(0, 0.5, 'Accuracy')
And as you can adding to the number of trees can improve the accuracy but not in a significant way.
_Train, _Test = BC_dataset.train_test_split(test_fraction=0.2, Seed=10)
_Train, _Test = BC_dataset.train_test_split(test_fraction=0.2, Seed=10)
['no-recurrence-events', '40-49', 'premeno', '20-24', '0-2', 'no', 2.0, 'right', 'right_up', 'no']
['no-recurrence-events', '50-59', 'ge40', '30-34', '0-2', 'no', 1.0, 'right', 'right_up', 'no']
['no-recurrence-events', '40-49', 'premeno', '20-24', '0-2', 'no', 2.0, 'right', 'right_up', 'no']
['no-recurrence-events', '50-59', 'ge40', '30-34', '0-2', 'no', 1.0, 'right', 'right_up', 'no']
def plot_learning(dataset, list_of_train_frac = np.arange(0.01, 1, 0.05), n_trees = 10):
accuracy = []
import time
for i in list_of_train_frac:
_Train, _Test = dataset.train_test_split(test_fraction=1-i, Seed=10)
RF_BC = Random_Forest(_Train, n=n_trees)
_pridictions = [RF_BC(a[:-1]) for a in _Test.examples]
_true_values = [example[_Test.target_attribute] for example in _Test.examples]
accuracy.append(Measure_accuracy(_true_values, _pridictions))
fig = plt.plot(list_of_train_frac, accuracy)
return fig, accuracy
fig, acc = plot_learning(BC_dataset)
plt.title(r"Learning Curve")
plt.xlabel(r"Training fraction")
Kernel Method:
(Heavily based on the Andrew Ng lecture notes as well as the chapter 18 on Artificial Intelligent: A modern approach by Russell And Norvig)
In this section we are going to work with another method for a classification task (can be generalized to regression) which is one of the best algorithms to use when you have not a lot a of information about the data. Like any other algorithms it should be used wisely, however, it can work fairly well as a “top-the-shelf” learning algorithm.
But first let’s talk about a more general class of Pattern Analysis called Kernel Method
Let’s go back to our method to find a polynomial fit (order $p$), or more generally when the linear model is insufficient on capturing all the useful patterns in our data:
\[\begin{equation*} y = \sum_{i=0}^p w_i x^i \end{equation*}\]We can rewrite this using an addition function $\psi: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^p$:
\[\begin{equation*} \psi(x) = \begin{pmatrix} 1\\ x\\ x^2\\ \vdots\\ x^p \end{pmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^p \end{equation*}\]This is how the equation will look like after using $\psi$:
\[\begin{equation*} y = \sum_{i=0}^p w_i x^i = w^T \psi(x) \end{equation*}\]This actually look like the linear model that we know how to solve and discuss several algorithms based on the gradient descent. The input variables of the problem $x$ is the input attributes and the output quantity is the Feature variables. Therefore, $\psi$ maps attributes to features and is called feature map.
Now imagine that we have a feature map $\psi: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^q$, in which we have a set of $n$ attributes and we are mapping that to $q$ features.
Our goal here is to find the function $w^T \psi(x)$, but here we have $q$ $w_i$ to find instead of the usual $n$ which was the number of the attributes. So, it means we need to find the optimal solution for the corresponding weights in the $\mathbb{R}^q$ instead of $\mathbb{R}^n$. Let’s take a look at our previously discussed gradient descent algorithm which gave us this for how to update the weights:
\[\begin{equation*} \frac{\partial L_2}{\partial w_i} = \frac{2}{N} \sum_{j=1}^N (\vec{X_j}.\vec{w} - y_j) X_{j,i}\\ \vec{w}_{next} = \vec{w} - \eta \nabla_{w}{L_2(\vec{w})} \end{equation*}\]Now it will become:
\[\begin{equation*} \frac{\partial L_2}{\partial w_i} = \frac{2}{N} \sum_{j=1}^N (\vec{\psi}(X_j).\vec{w} - y_j) \psi(X_{j,i})\\ \vec{w}_{next} = \vec{w} - \eta \nabla_{w}{L_2(\vec{w})} = \begin{pmatrix} \frac{\partial L_2}{\partial w_1}\\ \frac{\partial L_2}{\partial w_2}\\ \vdots\\ \frac{\partial L_2}{\partial w_q} \end{pmatrix} \end{equation*}\]And $\vec{\psi}(X_{j})$ simply means:
\[\begin{equation*} \vec{\psi}(X_{j}) = \begin{pmatrix} \psi(X_{j,1})\\ \psi(X_{j,2})\\ \vdots\\ \psi(X_{j,n}) \end{pmatrix} \end{equation*}\]And it belongs to $\mathbb{R}^q$
This is the update based on the entire data set (Batch gradient descent), we can redefine the the update for stochastic gradient descent which was: (Here we have $\vec{w} \in \mathbb{R}^n$)
\[\begin{equation*} \vec{w}_{next} = \vec{w} - \eta \nabla_{w}{L_2(X_j, y_j, \vec{w})} \end{equation*}\]Into:
\[\begin{equation*} \vec{w}_{next} = \vec{w} - \eta \nabla_{w}{L_2(\vec{\psi}(X_j), y_j, \vec{w})} \end{equation*}\]In which $\vec{w} \in \mathbb{R}^q$. If we are using a feature map of order $p$ and if we consider all the monomials of $X_j$ we are going to have a $\psi$ that look like this:
\[\begin{equation*} \vec{\psi}(X_{j}) = \begin{pmatrix} 1\\ X_{j,1}\\ X_{j,2}\\ \vdots\\ X_{j,1}^2\\ X_{j,1} X_{j,2}\\ X_{j,1} X_{j,3}\\ \vdots\\ X_{j,1}^3\\ X_{j,1}^2 X_{j,2}\\ X_{j,1}^2 X_{j,3}\\ \vdots \end{pmatrix} \end{equation*}\]If we count them we have $1$, $0^{th}$ order term, we have $n$, $1^{th}$ order terms, $\binom{n+2-1}{2}$, $2^{th}$ order terms and so on: (Using the famous star and bar argument)
\[\begin{equation*} q = \binom{n}{0} + \binom{n+1-1}{1} + \binom{n+2-1}{2} +\dots + \binom{n+p-1}{p} \\ = \sum_{i=0}^p \binom{n+i-1}{i} = \binom{n+p}{p} \end{equation*}\]So for $n=10$ attributes and feature map of order $p \leq 3$ with all the monomials, we have a weight vector of size 120 and if we have $n=100$ attributes it will become a vector of size 161700. So any high order polynomial using along with large number of attributes make this quite unreasonable to use!
All that said, there is a Kernel trick we could use in order to avoid the need for storing $w_i$ explicitely by writing the weights as a linear combination of $\psi(X_j)$ at every state, So we have:
\[\begin{equation*} \Delta\vec{w} = \sum_{i=1}^N \gamma_i \psi(X_i) \end{equation*}\]When $\gamma_i \in \mathbb{R}$ . So the next update will look like:
\[\begin{equation*} \vec{w} = \sum_{j=1}^N \gamma_i \psi(X_j) - \frac{2\eta}{N} \sum_{j=1}^N (\vec{\psi}(X_j).\vec{w} - y_j) \psi(X_{j,i})\\ \vec{w} = \sum_{j=1}^N \overbrace{(\gamma_j-\frac{2\eta}{N}(\vec{\psi}(X_j).\vec{w} - y_j)))}^{\textrm{Updated } \gamma_i} \vec{\psi}(X_{j}) \end{equation*}\]So in this approach instead of using $w_1, \dots, w_q$ we are going to represent them with $\gamma_1, \dots, \gamma_N$ coefficients. So we know how to update our coefficient:
\[\begin{equation*} \gamma_{j, \textrm{next}} = \gamma_j - \frac{2 \eta}{N}(\vec{\psi}(X_j).\vec{w}-y_j)\\ \gamma_{j, \textrm{next}} = \gamma_j - \frac{2 \eta}{N}((\sum_{i=1}^N \gamma_i \psi(X_i))^T \psi(X_j)-y_j)\\ \gamma_{j, \textrm{next}} = \gamma_j - \frac{2 \eta}{N}(\sum_{i=1}^N \gamma_i \psi(X_i)^T \psi(X_j)-y_j)\\ \gamma_{j, \textrm{next}} = \gamma_j - \frac{2 \eta}{N}(\sum_{i=1}^N \gamma_i \underbrace{\langle\psi(X_i),\psi(X_j)\rangle}_{\textrm{inner product}} -y_j) \end{equation*}\]In which $\langle\psi(X_i),\psi(X_j)\rangle$ is the inner product of the feature vectors. However, it seems that we still need to compute. For some feature maps we can use more efficient way of calculating the inner product.
This inner product is the Kernel of the feature map $\psi$, so the kernel is a function $\mathbb{R}^n \times \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$:
\[\begin{equation*} K(X_i, X_j) = \langle\psi(X_i),\psi(X_j)\rangle \end{equation*}\]So we can write down the algorithm as:
- Find all the inner product pairs: $\langle\psi(X_i),\psi(X_j)\rangle$ for $i,j \in {1,\dots,n}$.
- Initialize $\gamma_i$ coefficient. (For example $\gamma=0$)
- A loop until reach to a confidence limit needed:
In which $K$ is the $n\times n$ matrix form by elements of $K_{i,j} = K(X_i, X_j)$ is the kernel matrix.
For the $\psi$ mentioned we have:
\[\begin{equation*} \langle\psi(X_i),\psi(X_j)\rangle = 1 + \langle X_i, X_j \rangle +\langle X_i, X_j\rangle^2 + \dots + \langle X_i, X_j \rangle^p \end{equation*}\]Which means that we only need to calculate $\langle X_i, X_j \rangle$ explicilty and we can make a kernel function out of that instead of calculating the direct inner product $\langle \psi(X_i), \psi(X_j) \rangle$.
We can view this kernel function as how similar to vectors are, so basically when two instances are very similar we expect to get large values for the kernel and when they are not so similar we expect smaller values. If you think about the kernel as this, it is quite natural to define something close to a Gaussian function such as this:
\[\begin{equation*} K(x,y) = \exp(-\frac{\|x-y\|^2}{2\sigma^2}) \end{equation*}\]So, if two examples are close we get a value close to 1 and if they are far off we get a value close to 0. This kernel is called a Gaussian kernel.
We have already seen an example of this in which the feature map is just the unity function in the case of linear regression. Now we are going to see another application for the kernel method which are Support Vector Machines. However, keep in mind that the kernel method is much more broadly applicable and if you have any learning algorithm you can wrote it in terms of the kernel method if it only depends on the inner products $\langle X_i, X_j \rangle$.
Support Vector Machines:
First let’s talk about the concept of margins and confidence for a simple task of classification.
x1 = 1.2 + 0.5 * np.random.randn(20)
y1 = 1.5 + 0.2 * np.random.randn(20)
x2 = 0 + 0.3 * np.random.randn(20)
y2 = 0 + 0.4 * np.random.randn(20)
plt.plot(x1, y1, "r.")
plt.plot(x2, y2, "b.")
_decision_line = [[-1, 2], [2.5, -0.5]]
plt.plot(_decision_line[0], _decision_line[1], "g")
A_p = [0, 1.3]
B_p = [-0.6, 0]
plt.scatter(A_p[0], A_p[1], c = "b", marker="*", s=60)
plt.scatter(B_p[0], B_p[1], c = "b", marker="*", s=60)
plt.annotate("A", A_p, (A_p[0]-0.4, A_p[1]+0.2), arrowprops={"arrowstyle": "->"})
plt.annotate("B", B_p, (B_p[0]-0.2, B_p[1]+0.4), arrowprops={"arrowstyle": "->"})
For the point $A$ you can see we are very close to the decision boundary, which means that by changing the boundary we are going to change our classification of point $A$ as blue to red. But at the same time if you look at the point $B$ we are pretty certain that our classification should be blue since it is not in the vicinity of the decision boundary or in a more general case of multi-dimension our separating hyperplane. So the task is to find a decision boundary that makes our confidence in our classification better.
Now let’s look at the following problem. We want to have a linear classifier for a binary classification problem.
\[\begin{equation*} z = \sum_{i=1}^n w_i x_i + b = w^T x + b \end{equation*}\] \[\begin{equation*} y = h_{w, b}(x) = g(z) = g(w^T x + b) \end{equation*}\]In which $g$ is defined as and $h_{w,b}$ is our hypothesis function:
\[\begin{equation*} g(z) = \begin{cases} 1, & \mbox{if } z \geq 0 \\ -1, & \mbox{if } z < 0 \end{cases} \end{equation*}\]Now we should formalize our qualitative analysis of the closeness to the decision boundary by introducing two concepts:
Functional Margin:
Imagine that we have a set of training examples ${(X_j,y_j)}$, we can define the functional margin of our hypothesis to be:
\[\begin{equation*} \zeta_j = z y_j= (w^T x_j + b) y_j \end{equation*}\]So for having a better classification for $y_j=1$ we need the $w^T x_j + b$ to be large value, and for the case of $y_j=-1$ we will seek $w^T x_j + b$ to be a large negative value. So the larger the $\zeta$ is, we expect a larger confidence. Since our $g$ function is only sensitive to sign of $z$, multiplying it by any positive value will not change our decision but will change our Functional margin. So we should make sure that we use a normalized version of $(w,b)$. Also, we define the functional margin of $h_{w,b}$ on the training set ${(x_j,y_j)}$ as:
\[\begin{equation*} \zeta = \min_{j=1,\dots,n} \zeta_j \end{equation*}\]So basically the worst functional margin among the training set.
Geometric margin:
We can use geometry to find a reasonable margin and that is to define the margin to be the distance from hyperplane of $S: w^T x + b = 0$ . From this definition the $\vec{w}$ is irtoghonal to the hyperplane and the distance is measure along this vector:
\[\begin{equation*} x_{o} = x_j - \zeta_j \frac{\vec{w}}{\|\vec{w}\|} \end{equation*}\]In which $x_o \in S$ which means:
\[\begin{equation*} w^T x_0 + b = 0 \\ w^T(x_j - \zeta_j \frac{\vec{w}}{\|\vec{w}\|}) + b =0\\ \frac{w^T x_j + b}{\|\vec{w}\|} = \zeta_j \end{equation*}\]And for a more general case of both positive and negative points we can define the geometrical margin to be:
\[\begin{equation*} \zeta_j = (\frac{w^T x_j + b}{\|\vec{w}\|}) y_j \end{equation*}\]This is identical to our functional definition if we take $|\vec{w}|=1$. The definition of the margin for the training set is like the functional margin:
\[\begin{equation*} \zeta = \min_{j=1,\dots,n} \zeta_j \end{equation*}\]We should try to maximize this $\zeta$ for having a hypothesis parameters that have higher confidence.
Here we have to find the parameters which make $\zeta$ maximum:
\[\begin{equation*} \max_{w,b} \zeta \\ (\frac{w^T x_j + b}{\|\vec{w}\|}) y_j \geq \zeta \quad \textrm{ For } j \in \{1, \dots, N\}\\ \|\vec{w}\| = 1 \end{equation*}\]We can turned this into another optimization problem:
\[\begin{equation*} \max_{w,b} \frac{\zeta}{\|\vec{w}\|} \\ (\frac{w^T x_j + b}{\|\vec{w}\|}) y_j \geq \zeta \quad \textrm{ For } j \in \{1, \dots, N\} \end{equation*}\]As we discussed the $(\vec{w}, b)$ are scalable without changing the results. So, we can conclude that $\zeta$ is scaled as a result. Therefore, we can force $\zeta = 1$.
\[\begin{equation*} \max_{w,b} \frac{1}{\|\vec{w}\|} \\ (\frac{w^T x_j + b}{\|\vec{w}\|}) y_j \geq 1 \quad \textrm{ For } j \in \{1, \dots, N\} \end{equation*}\]Notice that none of the above objective function are not convex (In the case of the first one the constraint of $|\vec{w}| = 1$ is not convex); which means that our previous method for finding the optimized solution would not work.
However, we can turn the maximization of $\frac{1}{|\vec{w}|}$ to minimization of $|\vec{w}|^2$, which is something that we have already know algorithm to optimize.
\[\begin{equation*} \max_{w,b} \|\vec{w}\|^2 \\ (\frac{w^T x_j + b}{\|\vec{w}\|}) y_j \geq 1 \quad \textrm{ For } j \in \{1, \dots, N\} \end{equation*}\]Now we have our optimal margin classifier. We can start coding now. But first install the cvxopt library. And we are going to use two separate algorithm for optimization Quadratic programming (QP) and Sequential minimal optimization (SMO).
import numpy as np
def gaussian_kernel(X1, X2, sigma):
X1 : shape (N examples, n features)
X2 : shape (N examples, n features)
sigma : Parameter for gaussian kernel (rbf)
kernel: shape (N examples, N examples)
return np.exp((-(np.linalg.norm(X1[None, :, :] - X2[:, None, :], axis=2) ** 2)) / (2 * sigma ** 2))
def linear_kernel(X1, X2, *args):
X1 : shape (N examples, n features)
X2 : shape (N examples, n features)
kernel: shape (N examples, N examples)
return np.tensordot(X2, X1, axes=(1, 1))
import numpy as np
import cvxopt
class SVM:
This is a very minimal implementation for the Support Vector Machines
for a binary classifier, which uses two optimization algorithm:
1. QP : Quadratic programming
2. SMO : Sequential minimal optimization
And will find the classifier.
# penalty =1e-4
def QP(self, X, y, kernel, penalty):
# Finding number of examples
n_examples = X.shape[0]
# Fidning the outer product of the y with itself (n, 1) to (n,n)
P = np.outer(y, y) * kernel
# Creating a matrix of (n,1) with every elemnts to be -1
q = np.full((n_examples, 1), -1.0)
# making a matrix of size (2n, n) from the identity matrix
G = np.vstack((-np.eye(n_examples), np.eye(n_examples)))
# making a matrix of size (2n, 1)
h = np.hstack((np.zeros(n_examples), np.full(n_examples, penalty)))
# reshaping the target feature
A = y.reshape((1, -1))
# Starting poisition for b
b = np.zeros(1)
# Take a look at the cvxopt documentation_ for more information on
# why we passed these as it's argument.
result = cvxopt.solvers.qp(cvxopt.matrix(P),
alpha = np.array(result['x']).ravel()
supports = np.flatnonzero(np.isclose(alpha, 0) == False)
self._X_support_vector = X[supports]
self._y_support_vector = y[supports]
self._a_support_vector = alpha[supports]
free_items = np.flatnonzero(self._a_support_vector < penalty)
y_free = y[free_items]
self._bias_ = y_free[0] - (self._a_support_vector * self._y_support_vector).T.dot(kernel[supports, free_items[0]])
def SMO(self, X, y, kernel, penalty, epochs):
n_examples = X.shape[0]
alpha = np.zeros(n_examples)
self._bias_ = 0
e = -y
for _ in range(epochs):
for i in range(n_examples):
hi = kernel[i].dot(alpha * y) + self._bias_
if (y[i] * hi < 1 and alpha[i] < penalty) or (y[i] * hi > 1 and alpha[i] > 0):
j = np.argmax(np.abs(e - e[i]))
if y[i] == y[j]:
L = max(0, alpha[i] + alpha[j] - C)
H = min(penalty, alpha[i] + alpha[j])
L = max(0, alpha[j] - alpha[i])
H = min(penalty, penalty + alpha[j] - alpha[i])
if L == H:
eta = kernel[i, i] + kernel[j, j] - 2 * kernel[i, j]
if eta <= 0:
alpha_j = alpha[j] + y[j] * (e[i] - e[j]) / eta
if alpha_j > H:
alpha_j = H
elif alpha_j < L:
alpha_j = L
alpha_i = alpha[i] + y[i] * y[j] * (alpha[j] - alpha_j)
bi = self._bias_ - e[i] - y[i] * kernel[i, i] * (alpha_i - alpha[i]) - y[j] * kernel[i, j] * (alpha_j - alpha[j])
bj = self._bias_ - e[j] - y[i] * kernel[i, j] * (alpha_i - alpha[i]) - y[j] * kernel[j, j] * (alpha_j - alpha[j])
if 0 < alpha_i and alpha_i < penalty:
self._bias_ = bi
elif 0 < alpha_j and alpha_j < penalty:
self._bias_ = bj
self._bias_ = (bi + bj) / 2
alpha[i] = alpha_i
alpha[j] = alpha_j
e[i] = kernel[i].dot(alpha * y) + self._bias_ - y[i]
e[j] = kernel[j].dot(alpha * y) + self._bias_ - y[j]
supports = np.flatnonzero(alpha > 1e-6)
self._X_support_vector = X[supports]
self._y_support_vector = y[supports]
self._a_support_vector = alpha[supports]
def fit(self, X, y, kernel_func, penalty, optimization_algorithm, sigma=1, epochs=1):
Will fit a classifier to our data set
X : shape (N examples, n features)
Training data
y : class, shape (N examples,)
Target values, 1 or -1
kernel_func : kernel algorithm
penalty : Penalty parameter of the error term
optimization_algorithm : What algorithm to choose for optimization
sigma : Parameter for Gaussian (rbf) kernel (optional)
epochs : The number of epochs
self._sigma_ = sigma
self.kernel_function = kernel_func
kernel = self.kernel_function(X, X, self._sigma_)
if optimization_algorithm == 'QP':
self.QP(X, y, kernel, penalty)
elif optimization_algorithm == 'SMO':
self.SMO(X, y, kernel, penalty, epochs)
def predict(self, X):
Make a prediction based on the fitted model
X : shape (N examples, n features)
Predicting data
y : shape (N examples,)
Predicted class label per sample, 1 or -1
return np.sign(self.score(X))
def score(self, X):
X : shape (N examples, n features)
Predicting data
y : shape (N examples,)
Predicted score of class per sample.
kernel = self.kernel_function(X, self._X_support_vector, self._sigma_)
return (self._a_support_vector * self._y_support_vector).dot(kernel) + self._bias_
def SVM_learner(dataset, kernel_function=linear_kernel, penalty=1e-2, optimization_algorithm="SMO", sigma=1, epochs=0):
_target = dataset.target_attribute
_input = dataset.input_attributes
X = np.array(dataset.examples).T[dataset.input_attributes].T
y = np.array(dataset.examples).T[dataset.target_attribute].T
svm = SVM()
svm.fit(X,y, penalty=penalty, optimization_algorithm=optimization_algorithm, kernel_func=kernel_function, sigma=sigma)
return svm.predict
X1 = np.c_[x1, y1]
X2 = np.c_[x2, y2]
X = np.vstack((X1, X2))
y = np.append(np.full(len(x1),1), np.full(len(x2),-1))
examples = np.zeros((len(x1)+len(x2), 3))
examples[:,:-1] = X
examples[:,-1] = y
mock_data = Data_Set(examples, input_attributes=[0,1], target_attribute=2)
def _plot_svm_(kernel_function=linear_kernel, sigma=1):
svm_predict = SVM_learner(dataset=mock_data,
sigma=sigma, epochs=10)
x = np.linspace(-1, 2.5, 80)
y = np.linspace(-1, 2.5, 80)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
x = x.ravel()
y = y.ravel()
X_testing = np.c_[x, y]
predictions = svm_predict(X_testing)
colors = []
for i in predictions:
if i==1:
x1 = 1.2 + 0.5 * np.random.randn(20)
y1 = 1.5 + 0.2 * np.random.randn(20)
x2 = 0 + 0.3 * np.random.randn(20)
y2 = 0 + 0.4 * np.random.randn(20)
fig = plt.scatter(x, y, c=colors, s = 0.5)
plt.plot(x1, y1, "r.", markersize=10)
plt.plot(x2, y2, "b.", markersize=10)
return fig
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.subplot(221); _plot_svm_(linear_kernel); plt.title(r"SVM with Linear kernel (our implementation)", fontsize =12)
plt.subplot(222); _plot_svm_(gaussian_kernel, sigma=1); plt.title(r"SVM with Gaussian kernel (our implementation)", fontsize =12)
Let’s look at what happens if choose different values of $\sigma$.
sig = [0.004, 0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 5]
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
counter = 231
for sigma in sig:
plt.subplot(counter); _plot_svm_(gaussian_kernel, sigma=sigma); plt.title(r"SVM with Gaussian kernel ($\sigma= {}$)".format(sigma), fontsize =12)
Now let’s do the same thing this time using skit-learn
support vector machines:
from sklearn import svm
def _plot_skitlearn_svm(kernel = "linear", gamma=0.1, degree=2, coef=0):
svm_classifier = svm.SVC(kernel=kernel, gamma=gamma, degree=degree, coef0 = coef)
X = examples[:,:-1]
y = examples[:,-1]
svm_classifier.fit(X, y)
# plot the predictions
x = np.linspace(-1, 2.5, 80)
y = np.linspace(-1, 2.5, 80)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
x = x.ravel()
y = y.ravel()
X_testing = np.c_[x, y]
predictions = svm_classifier.predict(X_testing)
colors = []
for i in predictions:
if i==1:
x1 = 1.2 + 0.5 * np.random.randn(20)
y1 = 1.5 + 0.2 * np.random.randn(20)
x2 = 0 + 0.3 * np.random.randn(20)
y2 = 0 + 0.4 * np.random.randn(20)
fig = plt.scatter(x, y, c=colors, s = 0.5)
plt.plot(x1, y1, "r.", markersize=10)
plt.plot(x2, y2, "b.", markersize=10)
return fig
plt.figure(figsize=(17, 4))
kernels = ["linear", "rbf", "poly", "sigmoid"]
counter = 141
for kernel in kernels:
plt.subplot(counter); _plot_skitlearn_svm(kernel=kernel); plt.title(r"SVM with {} kernel".format(kernel), fontsize =12)
gam = [0.001, 0.01, 1, 5, 50, 400]
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
counter = 231
for gamma in gam:
plt.subplot(counter); _plot_skitlearn_svm(kernel="rbf", gamma=gamma); plt.title(r"SVM with rbf (Gaussian) ($\gamma= {}$)".format(gamma), fontsize =12)
degrees = [1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100]
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
counter = 231
for d in degrees:
plt.subplot(counter); _plot_skitlearn_svm(kernel="poly", degree=d); plt.title(r"SVM with Polynomial kernel of degree {}".format(d), fontsize =12)
As you can see the polynomial fit does not perform well, however if you add the regularization term coef0
the result will improve:
degrees = [1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100]
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
counter = 231
for d in degrees:
plt.subplot(counter); _plot_skitlearn_svm(kernel="poly", degree=d, coef=1); plt.title(r"SVM with Polynomial kernel of degree {}".format(d), fontsize =12)
Our implementation is for a binary classification, but this can be generalized to multi-class classification by running the SVM algorithm on every pair of classes or one pair vs the rest of the classes. Let’s look at the iris data set again:
address = "iris.data"
attribute_names = ["sepal-lenght", "sepal-width", "petal-lenght", "petal-width", "class"]
Iris_Data = Data_Set(name = "Iris", target_attribute=4,
file_info=(address, 0, ","), attribute_names=attribute_names)
X = np.array(Iris_Data.examples)[:,:-1]
y = np.array(Iris_Data.examples)[:,-1]
X = X.astype(np.float)
colors = []
for i in Iris_Data.examples:
if i[-1]==Iris_Data.values[-1][0]:
elif i[-1]==Iris_Data.values[-1][1]:
i, j = 2, 3
plt.scatter(X[:,i], X[:,j], c=colors)
def _plot_iris_svm(kernel = "linear", gamma=0.1, degree=2, coef=0):
X = np.array(Iris_Data.examples)[:,2:-1]
y_ = np.array(Iris_Data.examples)[:,-1]
X = X.astype(np.float)
svm_classifier = svm.SVC(kernel=kernel,
# plot the predictions
x = np.linspace(0, 7.5, 80)
y = np.linspace(0, 3, 80)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
x = x.ravel()
y = y.ravel()
X_testing = np.c_[x, y]
predictions = svm_classifier.predict(X_testing)
colors_ = []
for i in predictions:
if i==Iris_Data.values[-1][0]:
elif i==Iris_Data.values[-1][1]:
fig = plt.scatter(x, y, c=colors_, s = 0.5)
plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:, 1], c=colors)
return fig
gam = [0.001, 0.01, 1, 5, 50, 400]
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12))
counter = 231
for gamma in gam:
plt.subplot(counter); _plot_iris_svm(kernel="rbf", gamma=gamma); plt.title(r"SVM with rbf (Gaussian) ($\gamma= {}$)".format(gamma), fontsize =12)
degrees = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10]
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 12))
counter = 231
for d in degrees:
plt.subplot(counter); _plot_iris_svm(kernel="poly", degree=d); plt.title(r"SVM with Polynomial kernel of degree {}".format(d), fontsize =12)
plt.figure(figsize=(13, 13))
kernels = ["linear", "rbf", "poly", "sigmoid"]
counter = 221
for kernel in kernels:
plt.subplot(counter); _plot_iris_svm(kernel=kernel); plt.title(r"SVM with {} kernel".format(kernel), fontsize =14)
Now let’s take a look at a more interesting problem, now that we have more sophisticated learning algorithm:
MNIST handwritten digit database:
# Downloading the dataset
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
mnist = fetch_openml('mnist_784', version=1, cache=True)
mnist.target = mnist.target.astype(np.int8)
except ImportError:
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_mldata
mnist = fetch_mldata('MNIST original')
mnist["data"], mnist["target"]
(array([[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.]]),
array([5, 0, 4, ..., 4, 5, 6], dtype=int8))
example = mnist["data"][-1].reshape(28, 28)
import matplotlib as mpl
plt.imshow(example, cmap=mpl.cm.binary)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9aca40a470>
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn import svm
Let’s just use the first 5000 data points:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(mnist["data"][:5000], mnist["target"][:5000], test_size=0.2)
svm_clf = svm.SVC(kernel="linear",)
svm_clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_prediction = svm_clf.predict(X_test)
print("The accuracy of the predictions on the test set is =", Measure_accuracy(y_test, y_prediction))
The accuracy of the predictions on the test set is = 0.923
import matplotlib as mpl
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
j = 331
for i in range(0,9):
example = X_test[i].reshape(28, 28)
plt.subplot(j); plt.imshow(example, cmap=mpl.cm.binary)
plt.text(0, 2, "prediction = {}".format(y_prediction[i]))
svm_clf = svm.SVC(kernel="poly",
svm_clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
SVC(C=1.0, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, coef0=0.0,
decision_function_shape='ovr', degree=3, gamma=0.01, kernel='poly',
max_iter=-1, probability=False, random_state=None, shrinking=True,
tol=0.001, verbose=False)
y_prediction = svm_clf.predict(X_test)
print("The accuracy of the predictions on the test set is =", Measure_accuracy(y_test, y_prediction))
The accuracy of the predictions on the test set is = 0.943
import matplotlib as mpl
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
j = 331
for i in range(0,9):
example = X_test[i].reshape(28, 28)
plt.subplot(j); plt.imshow(example, cmap=mpl.cm.binary)
plt.text(0, 2, "prediction = {}".format(y_prediction[i]))
svm_clf = svm.SVC(kernel="poly",
svm_clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_prediction = svm_clf.predict(X_test)
print("The accuracy of the predictions on the test set is =", Measure_accuracy(y_test, y_prediction))
The accuracy of the predictions on the test set is = 0.946
import matplotlib as mpl
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
j = 331
for i in range(20,29):
example = X_test[i].reshape(28, 28)
plt.subplot(j); plt.imshow(example, cmap=mpl.cm.binary)
plt.text(0, 2, "prediction = {}".format(y_prediction[i]))